帕罗宗—日蓬堡(Rinpung Dzong)是不丹最为知名的寺庙,或许是你会见到的不丹建筑里的最好代表。帕罗宗的本名应叫作仁增潘世珍宗,通常简称为日蓬堡,意思是"堡垒上的珠宝堆",始建于1644年。这里曾被用做保卫帕罗河谷的堡垒。帕罗宗和不丹其他堡垒一样,即是佛教寺庙,又担任一些政府职能。它的前身是地方政府的办公机关,包括国民议会的会议大厅和地方法院都曾建在这里。不丹著名的电影"小活佛"在此取景。这里仍居住着约200名僧侣。寺院东南角的礼堂是他们每日用斋饭的地方。盛大的帕罗戒楚节每年春天在这里举行,吸引成千上万的当地居民和游客前往,场面相当热烈。古时用作帕罗宗瞭望塔的"塔宗",现在已建成为不丹的"国家博物馆",藏有多达3000件艺术品。博物馆的圆形外观据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。博物馆分6层,各层的文物分别不同,包括宗教、国家发展历程、邮票、老照片、生产生活、动植物等各方面。
Rinpung Dzong ,Known as the Fortress on a Heap of Jewels, Rinpung Dzong or Rinchen Pung Dzong resides in the Paro Valley of Bhutan. Constructed in 1644 for the purpose of defending the Paro valley from aggression by Tibet it is considered one of the most impressive structures of Bhutanese architecture. What makes it stand out is the intricate wood work with much of the large beams being slotted into each other and held together without nails. The Rinpung Dzong was struck by an earthquake in 1897 and was also severely damaged by fire in 1907 but it managed to survive these disasters. Formerly the meeting hall for the National Assembly, now it serves to house both the monastic body and district government offices, including the local courts. Even with the government facilities, this site still houses 200 monks and holds a great annual festival called Tshechu. This festival is held from the eleventh to the fifteenth day of the second month of the traditional Bhutanese lunar calendar and attracts thousands of local people and tourists every year.